In case you are wondering about the logo for Bhanuswari Resort and Spa (see http://www.bhanuswariresort.com/ ), it represents two elements found on the property – rice and butterflies. For those who have never seen rice growing in a field, here it is – almost ready for harvest. It’s basically a grass, and the rice you eat is the seed.
And the blue butterfly? Since the vegetation near the stream is in a natural state, they have an abundance of butteries, of many colors, shapes, and sizes. When here in October 2004, I was standing quietly under the trees near the spring-fed stream, watching white, yellow, green, black-and-orange, and black-and-white butterflies, as well as a couple of dragonflies.
Suddenly I saw a flash of bright blue! Not a sky blue, but a vivid, shimmering blue. But as soon as it registered, I lost sight of it. I remained still, and in a few more minutes, I saw it again, and this time was able to track it. A butterfly in a color I had never seen before – the underneath of the wings were black, but the top was a gorgeous blue, outlined in black.
I came back several times before actually moving, and while I saw many butterflies, I did not see the blue one again. However, it was so beautiful that I suggested they include a representation of it in the Bhanuswari logo anyway.
In early December, when visiting Bhanuswari to see progress on the hotel, I finally saw it again!
A few days later, I went to the Ganesha Bookshop in Ubud – and there was a book on “Butterflies of Bali” by Victor Mason – brand new, published in 2005, with beautiful illustrations by a local artist called “Pink”. I flipped through the book – and I think I found the butterfly!

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