Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Field Trip - to Buy Orchids

I joined a trip up a mountain yesterday to buy orchids at the source, Bedugul. So of course, I had to take some photos of the stalls and people.

Fashions ("Drupadi Collection) for sale next to a small Muslim restaurant specializing in meatballs (bakso) and soup (soto).

Spices, packed and ready to go - including Vanilla bean.

A woman carrying her bananas on her head.

An especially tempting fruit & vegetable display.

Assorted wind chimes and mobiles.

Adorable little girls (and they know it, too!)

A mischievous little boy playing with the orchids.

And the view coming back down the mountain, taken from a car FULL of plants - at least 20 orchids of 2 different types, lime trees, and celery plants. I had 3-4 orchids and 2 celery plants between my feet because we ran out of space!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Massage, Balinese Dance, Yellow Butterfly, Flooding Rice Fields

The brochure is at the printer's! Here is a preview of new photos they added.


Balinese dance lesson

And now, more photos of the environment.

I'll continue to share beautiful butterflies as I get their photos. This one posed for me on the pergola over the front entrance - so I was shooting up into the sky, literally! And that explains the transparency of the wings.

The rice fields, being flooded prior to planting. If you look closely, you can see how the upper fields flood the lower fields through tiny waterfalls.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dancing with the Stars in Bali

With the rainy season starting to taper off, the stars come out at night. On January 14, the night of the full moon, the sky was beautiful!! A bright moon, a few clouds, and several bright stars.
Last night, I requested Deva Premal's "The Essence" for dinner music. And I soon found myself swaying, if not actually dancing, under the stars.

I'm also beginning to dream of moonlit swims. And I must be losing weight, as my clothes are looser. Also, when I made a quick trip to Singapore late last week (combination Visa extension and brand-name "retail therapy"), I found myself moving through the interminable terminals much faster and with more energy!

Can you tell? I LOVE living here!!

Cultural Lessons at Bhanuswari

While Lynne Curtis visited, she took a couple of lessons in Balinese culture:

Here she is creating a prayer offering.
The instructors checking her progress.
And completed offerings.

Lynne also took a cooking class.

The ingredients.
Making coconut leaf packages and stuffing them with rice.
Making sate lilit - ground chicken, fresh coconut, and spices grilled on lemongrass "skewers".
The cooked rice and sate.
Lynne and Tandy ready to enjoy the results!

Monday, January 09, 2006

More views from Bhanuswari terrace & REAL butterflies

Early morning Mt. Agung.

Looking at the rice fields to the northwest, uphill.

Would you like to have your breakfast on the terrace?

Black & white stripes on the upper wing, orange dots on the lower (don't know the name yet).

The irridescent Swift Peacock, coming in for a landing in profile, looking blue.

The Swift Peacock again, looking green.

Bhanuswari photos

Preparing for the pre-opening ceremony at the main temple on Bhanuswari property.

The front entrance, early morning (frangi-pani trees are still growing in ).

Ganesha at night.

The pool and main temple, looking toward the stream. The infinity / overflow edge is working beautifully.

Lobby and front desk.

Lobby lounge area at night.

Restaurant and bar.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bhanuswari Resort & Spa Opened January 5, 2006!!

Bhanuswari Resort & Spa's first guest, Lynne Curtis. She's wearing a batik sarong and silk sash, both purchased locally, ready to go to a ceremony at a local Balinese Hindu temple.

Swimming pool

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sample menu items at Bhanuswari

Yesterday there was a taste test of some of the dishes and juices the Chef is considering for the menu. All were very good - and I think they photograph well in their custom designed dinnerware, too!

Ginger/carrot soup (a personal favorite of mine)

Green curry chicken with vegetables

Fresh watermelon juice

Fresh pineapple juice

Fresh papaya juice

New Year's Eve, 2005-2006 in Bali

The hotel were I am staying had a Gala event, complete with buffet, 3 different Balinese dances, a live orchestra, and a shadow puppet show. Photos below include decorations as well as the actual events. It was a lot of fun! I even danced in the "friendship dance" (sorry, no photo). Apparently belly dancing had helped prepare me, as some of the movements are similar.

Welcome dancer.

Dance by Balinese boy.

Friendship dance.


Shadow puppets, very intricately carved and lit from behind by fire!