Yes, a Halloween Party in Bali!A Fundraiser, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bali Ubud, toward buying an ambulance for a local fee-free birthing clinic.

Who is with me? Well, Daisy from Java is in the Kabuki makeup taking money. She’s our current Treasurer. And sitting beside me is Reki of Lady Bamboo Villa – hence the bamboo leaves in her hair!
Who attended? A WIDE variety - from Bali, from other parts of Indonesia, from Singapore, Australia, India, Germany, France, USA, Canada, and more. Some who live in Bali, some who live part-time in Bali, and some who were just in Bali for vacation!
More costumes and party-ers:

Who attended? A WIDE variety - from Bali, from other parts of Indonesia, from Singapore, Australia, India, Germany, France, USA, Canada, and more. Some who live in Bali, some who live part-time in Bali, and some who were just in Bali for vacation!
More costumes and party-ers: