A new villa was recently completed near Bhanuswari Resort & Spa. As neighbors, Bhanuswari management and guests were invited to attend the Balinese Hindu ceremony for blessing the house.

Here's the approach from Bhanuswari. The new villa is just on the other side of the small waterfall.

The proud owners, being welcomed to Tengkulak village by I Nyoman Suweta, the "bandesa adat" (traditional leader), who is also the Managing Director of Bhanuswari.

The owners seated for the ceremony - and you can see the priest with the full white headress seated past the owners. And Bapak Ngurah is sprinkling holy water - he was also the general contractor for the construction.

Detail of the bowl containing holy water (previously blessed by the priest) and the flowers used for sprinkling it. You can also see an offering in the niche in one of the gate pillars.

Looking back at the gate from inside the courtyard.

Views of the villa rooms - bedrooms...

and living / dining area:

Backyard porch - to the left you see the buffet lunch set up to feed the guests.
Babi guling (roast pig, a Balinese specialty), steamed rice, sambal (like salsa), and lawar (a savory vegetable dish made of young jackfruit and garlic).

The view looking out of the backyard at other villas in the neighborhood.